On vacation soon...

Friday, July 17, 2009 Posted by Miss Zee at 2:38 AM
For my upcoming vacation, I have set up a pre-posted daily blog for you all!

Since I enjoy surfing through Flickr, and blog some found photos on my other site, Tales from a Team Lead, I came up with the idea of posting the Amazing photos I chance upon on Flickr separately.

My other blog's primary purpose was to be a place where I can vent out my rants, raves and tales about the life of people who work in call centers. So I would not like to mess it up by posting random photos I found interesting or beautiful. At the same time, I find such great images that I want to save and share to you all.

Thus, this blog is born.

I hope you enjoy the photos I share here. And as an added treat, I would not post random finds, but there would be a theme for each week. The details will be posted soon.

What I plan for now is that a fave song will be the basis of each theme.

So come back in a few weeks for the launching of this blog!

Here's the flickr pic for the day by ligionline...


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